Birthdate, Starting Kindergarten and Kindergarten “Readiness”

Can my child attend three-year-old kindergarten if they turn three years old just after the April 30th cut-off?

No. Children must have turned three years of age on or before 30 April in the year of attendance to be eligible for the three year old kindergarten program.

Can my child attend four year old kindergarten if they turn four years old just after the April 30th cut-off?

No. In Victoria, preschool or kindergarten is the year before school entry according to the eligibility guidelines set out by the Department of Education and Training (DET). Children are eligible to attend kindergarten if they turn four years of age on or before 30 April in the year of attendance. For more information, please refer to the Victorian Government’s Kindergarten funding guide.

My child doesn’t turn three until midway through the first term of kinder – can they start kinder at the beginning of the kindergarten year with the other children?

No. Children must be three years of age before commencing the program. For example, if your child turns three on April 15th, then they can commence kindergarten on April 15th, not before.

My child is too young to start the three year old kinder session. Can I attend the kinder session with them until they have turned three years of age?

No. The Children Services Regulations 2009 section (53) regarding ratios between staff/children stipulate that for children under three years of age, a ratio of staff per child is 1:4. In contrast, for children over three years of age, the ratio of staff per child is 1:11. Therefore, if a child under the age of three was to attend a kindergarten, an additional staff member would be required, a scenario that is not practical under the current organisational model.

My child is considered ‘young’ for their kinder year level. How do I know if they are ready to start kinder?

Children born between January 1 and April 30 may be considered ‘young’ in comparison to the other children in their year level (this applies to kindergarten as well as school).

We recognise the confusion many parents face when deciding whether to send their child ‘young’ or whether they would benefit from waiting another year before attending a kindergarten program.

To answer this question, it is best to think carefully about when your child is likely to be ready to start school (i.e. whether they will be better off turning five or six in Prep) and therefore when is the best time for the child to be able to have an enjoyable kindergarten experience.

Many parents are under the false understanding that, should their child not be ready for school after one year of four year old kindergarten, that their child will automatically receive a second year of funded kinder. A child will only be eligible to receive a second year of funded kinder if they are assessed as having at least two areas of significant developmental delay that are not age related i.e. If the child is exhibiting behaviour/s that is/are deemed consistent for their ‘young’ age they will not fit the funding criteria.

To receive the funding for a second year, your child’s kinder teacher has to, through specific guidelines, identify genuine developmental delays and to complete an assessment in conjunction with an independent Preschool Field Officer. They may seek help from other early childhood development professionals.

The Application Process

How do I apply for a place at Davis Street Kindergarten?

Our kindergarten is not part of the Boroondara Kindergarten Central Enrolment Scheme (BKCES), which means you need to apply using this website if you’d like to enrol your child.

We will then get in contact with you in July to either offer your child a place, or advise that your child has been added to the waiting list. If your child is offered a place you will be given a timeframe to accept the offer and secure your child’s place by paying a non-refundable acceptance fee. If your child has been placed on the waiting list you may then be contacted in second and third round offers (this includes offers for children who had not been offered their first group preference in first round offers). Find out more about enrolment.

Why isn’t Davis Street part of the Boroondara Central Enrolment Scheme (BKCES)?

Davis Street Kindergarten is not part of the Boroondara Kindergarten Central Enrolment Scheme (BKCES), which means you need to apply directly to us if you would like to enrol your child. We have chosen to accept enrolments directly as we feel it is a more personal approach.

I live outside of the City of Boroondara, can I apply?

Yes, however residents of the City of Boroondara are given preference over those applying from outside the area.

I no longer live in the Kew area but a sibling went to Davis Street – can I apply for my next child?

Yes, however our other selection criteria still apply. Please refer to the Selection Criteria for the group you wish to apply for.

I would like to apply for special consideration, how do I apply?

Separate documentation regarding any other special circumstances relevant to your application may be attached to the online Enrolment Application.

How do I know my application has been received?

You will receive email correspondence confirming receipt of your enrolment application.

Do I need to put in separate applications for three and four year old kindergarten?

Yes, separate application forms must be submitted for each year of attendance at three year old and four year old kindergarten and only in the year prior to attendance.

When will I know if my child has a kindergarten place?

Positions are allocated in the year before your child is due to attend kindergarten. You will be contacted via email in July. You will either receive a letter of offer for your child or a letter informing you that your child has been added to the waiting list. If your child is not offered a place in the first instance, you may be contacted with a second or third round offer (this includes offers for children who had not been offered their first group preference in first round offers). Please refer to Important Dates.



Does my child need funding for a 4YO Pre-prep position?

Ideally. The Davis Street 4YO Pre-prep program has been designed for children having a funded repeat year of four year old kindergarten or for an older child undertaking this program as their only 4YO kindergarten year.

What are the requirements for a second year of funded four-year-old kindergarten?

To receive funding for a second year of four year old kindergarten, a child must exhibit at least two areas of developmental difficulties. Your kindergarten teacher must lodge a completed ‘Declaration of eligibility for a second year of funded kindergarten’ (Form SF06) by the end of Term Three in the year prior to the repeat year. Your kindergarten teacher may consult with the City of Boroondara Preschool Field Officer to discuss your child’s funding application. Please be aware that children born between January and April that are deemed ‘young’ will not be automatically granted funding for a second year of 4yo kinder. All children need to be assessed as having at least two areas of developmental delay that are not age related. (Please visit https://childdevelopment.com.au/areas-of-concern/kindergarten-readiness/ for information on Preschool Readiness.)

A child is eligible for a second year of kindergarten, if the teacher assesses the child as having developmental delays in at least two areas and that he or she will benefit from a second year of kindergarten. If required, further consultation may be undertaken with other early childhood development professionals to complete the assessment. If eligible the child’s kindergarten teacher, with the consent of, and in consultation with the child’s parent/guardians, will complete a declaration form for DEECD.

Can I access an unfunded year of four year old kinder?

It is unlikely. Many parents are under the false understanding that, should their child not be ready for school after one year of four year old kindergarten, that their child will automatically receive a second year of kinder that is ‘unfunded’ (‘unfunded’ meaning that the child does not receive the government subsidy for kindergarten and that the parent bears the full cost of the kinder program).

Additional Needs


What support is available for children with additional needs?

Kindergartens including children with additional needs may be eligible for funding through the DEECD Special Education Program to provide additional support. Strict eligibility criteria apply to this funding (Refer to the DEECD kindergarten funding criteria). If your child has additional needs please contact us on acceptance of your offer of placement to ensure our staff are aware and can look into what funding might be available.

My child has additional needs. Do I need to tell the kinder before they start?

Yes. It is essential for families to share as much information as possible regarding their child so that staff can plan accordingly and provide appropriate support to ensure a smooth transition into the kindergarten environment. In addition, children who may be eligible for DET Special Education Program funding, will need to coordinate with the kindergarten teacher well before the beginning of the kindergarten year.



Deferment - I’m not sure my child is ready for kinder can I defer an offer?

An offer can only be deferred for the same type of offer for the following year and only when the child commences kindergarten and defers by the end of term one i.e. a 3 year old place can only be deferred for another 3 year old place in the following year and only after the child commences kindergarten and defers by the end of term one. 

A deferral can only be arranged during term one of the attendance year.  It cannot be arranged in the year prior such as at the time of offer i.e. if a 3 year old place is offered in 2022 to attend in 2023, the child must attend in 2023 and defer by the end of term one in 2023 to be eligible for a 2024 deferment.

Requests for a deferral must be lodged in writing with the Davis Street Enrolment Officer by the end of Term 1.

What sort of involvement is expected from parents?

Our kindergarten is governed by a committee that is made up of volunteer parents and the kindergarten teachers. Parents who volunteer on the committee fill roles that are critical to the everyday operation of the kindergarten including maintenance, financial management, grants and fundraising. We also hold a couple of working bees throughout the year where we encourage and appreciate attendance. There are also many other opportunities for families to be a part of their child’s kindergarten journey including special events ie. fathers day, grandparents day and end of year concerts.

My child has anaphylaxis. What do I need to do before they start kinder?

They must have a signed Anaphylaxis Action Plan written by a Doctor and all staff must be trained to administer an Epipen. All medication must be on-site for each and every session the child attends, or they cannot stay.

I want to enrol my child but I haven’t seen the kinder, what is the best way to arrange a visit?

Families are encouraged to contact the Enrolment Officer to arrange a visit to the kinder.

Does my child need to be toilet trained?

No, although you are strongly encouraged to have your child toilet trained before they begin kindergarten – managing their own toileting and hygiene is an important part of a child’s independence and confidence.